Monday, August 11, 2014

Property taxes and funding our school

One of the most common questions that I've been asked during my time on the board is "how much of our property taxes are sent outside of Westford?"

The answer usually shocks people.  Zero.  The personal property taxes collected in Westford account for just over half of the funding sources for our school last year.

The other half of our funding comes from the State Education Fund and state/federal revenues dedicated to specific programs. 

Furthering Effective Communication

Open and transparent communication with our town has been a goal of the school board.  We have utilized several methods to accomplish this task--public meetings which are recorded and archived, archived written minutes, an up to date website with meeting materials, newsletter pieces via the town newsletter, Front Porch Forum postings, publishing email and phone contact information for board members, and good old-fashioned face to face conversation. 

With such an array of options, I find that we still lack an avenue to share some of the deeper elements to our decision making.  Topics often need more exploration between the formality of our regular board meetings and the informality of an in person conversation at the Farmers' Market.  Questions from the community can be answered publicly to help share and disseminate that knowledge.  

The intent of this blog is to provide a home to much of the background work that is needed to support the day to day workings of the board in support our students.  All posts are created and moderated by the board itself. 

Questions and suggestions are always welcome. 

Mark Drapa, Westford School Board chair