Wednesday, October 7, 2015

FY 2017 Budget Schedule

Budget development has begun.  This is a task that is meant to include the community during the entire process.  Your voice can make a difference--the budget is a reflection of the priorities that our community brings to us.  The earlier you become involved, the better.  

How can you participate?
  • Attend meetings and budget work sessions (schedule below)
  • Watch recorded meetings online or on LCATV
  • Follow along with the minutes and budget presentations online
  • Call, email, or talk to your board members

This budget year will depend greatly on the result of the unification vote.  Why?  First off, the "hold harmless protection" that has given us phantom students in our student count will expire if we do not unify.  This will lower our student count immediately, causing a corresponding increase in our spending per pupil (which directly affects tax rate).  

A second consideration is the "allowable growth" law put in place earlier this year.  It dictates what our budget change can be based on spending per pupil.  Without unification, early indicators tell us that we may have to absorb a large cut, despite the fact that state law also compels us to provide universal preK to every student.  

Keep tuned in as we work through the new mandates and how each situation could impact budget.

Monday, October 5 - Regular School Board meeting
6:30pm at Westford School, see agenda for topic times
·         FY'15 end of year budget status - A report from our financial officer on the close of the FY'15 budget year and how well we executed to the budgeted amount.
·         FY'17 Budget guidance - A presentation from our financial officer on the anticipated state and local budget starting conditions which will be in place for the FY'17 Westford School budget.  

Monday, November 30 - Regular School Board meeting with budget focus
6:30pm at Westford School, see agenda for topic times
·         FY'17 Budget recommendations - Budget presentation from our administration and financial officer with recommendations for budgeting decisions.  This will take into account known Special Education requirements, staffing, site and maintenance, and technology needs. 

Thursday, December 3 - Budget Worksession #1
6:30pm at Westford School
·         Board discussion with opportunity for community input.  Goals include defining Board broad direction on budget, provide feedback to administration and financial officer on requested budget changes.

Thursday, December 10 - Budget Worksession #2
6:30pm at Westford School
·         Continued board discussion with opportunity for community input.  Review of requested budget changes and their impact and update on any state guidance on tax rate, common level of appraisal, etc. 

Tuesday, December 17 - Budget Worksession #3
6:30pm at Westford School
·         Final review of proposed FY'17 budget with opportunity for community input.  Prepare budget numbers, vote warning, and presentation materials in advance of the Joint Meeting

Wednesday, January 6 - Joint Meeting with Select Board
7:00pm at Westford School
·         Presentation of the proposed FY'17 budget.  Final proposed budget accepted by Board for public warning in anticipation of vote at Town Meeting Day

Monday, February 29 - Budget Informational Meeting
7:00pm at Westford School
·         Town Meeting review of proposed FY'17 budget

Tuesday, March 1 - Budget vote
7:00am to 7:00pm at Westford School

Up to date meeting agendas, minutes, and materials can be found on at the "School Board" quick link

The public is invited and encouraged to attend.